Offer a Sports Class at your Preschool!

Interested? Complete this form or call us at 732-563-2520.  


We know that it can be difficult to provide diverse and exiting physical education to children. Finding a qualified staff to deliver sports programs can be an even bigger challenge.

In a time when physical activity is declining among children, we are able to offer programs that make them happy and healthy.

We can provide an incredible experience without the headache of purchasing equipment, recruiting staff or dealing with registrations. Best of all, this will not cost you a penny!

Classes will run during your regular operating hours so it is perfect for working parents who want their children involved in affordable sports classes. During the spring, fall and winter, programs typically run once per week for seven to ten weeks. Class times range from 45 minutes to an hour.

In order to run a program, USSI requires a small area (approximately 20 x 20 yards). We handle all administrative work, promote the program and provide all the equipment, making it a headache free option for you.

Choose from a single sport option or have children participate in a different sport each week - the choice is yours!

Sports include:

  • Soccer
  • T-Ball
  • Tennis
  • Basketball
  • Lacrosse


Interested? Complete this form or call us at 732-563-2520.